Thursday, June 14, 2012


This is becoming a daily event.  They go outside to play and next thing I know...they are stripped down running through the mud puds.  Ha ha ha!!  Seriously though, where are their clothes?

At least they still have their undies on.
As a side note, our grass is having major issues this summer.
After Adam got home from work he took the boys to Mcd's so I could have some quiet time to go over my camp assignment.  When they got home I could tell everyone was excited about something.  I came around the corner and saw this!  Adam said on the way home he saw a cat in the street chewing on what he thought was a slipper.  Turns out it was this adorable little bunny. (I know...Adam's face...right!?!lol)

Unfortunately the cat (or maybe something else) had already done too much damage to this sweet creature.  It's front legs weren't working, but Adam didn't tell the boys that.  They took it out to the trees and let it go.  During their personal prayers, both Noah and Simon, prayed that the little bunny would be safe and find its home.  Adam checked on it later, but we didn't have the heart to tell them that it had gone to rabbit heaven.


mamatamera said...

Hahahahah - Glad to know it's not just my monkeys that run around without their clothes on and get very dirty. And just a side note... now I will not be able to see Monkey make a funny face without picturing Adam making the same one :) BTW He's a great hometeacher!

Me and my boys said...

What a cute bunny and Adam's face is just like that bunny!!!

Me and my boys said...

Oh and I LOVE the mud puds...they look like fun. Your street is more pretty than when we go is SO green and lush!!!