Thursday, October 2, 2008

We were driving back
from Northpole and Noah excitedly said,

"Look Mom! I see Alaska!"


The Metcalf's said...

Hello Connolly's! I saw your blog on Jonathan & Katherine's. Wow! How is Alaska? I've been there September. What a beautiful place. Your boys are so cute! It looks like you are doing well. Good luck to you guys!
The Metcalf's

Anonymous said...

Noah just gets more adorable with every picture! I can't wait to see him and the rest of you wonderful friends! --Katherine

sladefamilyaz said...

I was so excited to get a comment from you on my blog! Bryant and I just heard last week that y'all had moved to Alaska. The pictures are beautiful. I am wishing I was there right now since it is still over 100 everyday here! When are you moving back?

Shan Reid said...

Hi Connolly's... this is the Reid's... I saw your comment on Bryant and Jessica's blog, so I came on over to take a peek. It was fun to see your pictures. Our blog is at if you'd like to peek back. Alaska looks great... so beautiful.

Anonymous said...

YEA! I love blogs. They make it so much easier to spy on our friends....I mean keep in touch.

Lucia said...

Hey, I'm glad i can check in to see what you guys are doing. And you have the most adorable little boys.

Laura and Jimmy said...

hee, hee! that is too funny. :D

Amanda and Laura said...

Cute. I am so glad you have a blog. I knew you would break eventually. I'm glad you are having fun in Alaska, but we miss you guys around here.

Erica~Independent Scentsy Consultant said...

The boys are so cute - and Alaska sounds great actually, even though it is cold - but I love cold.

You will have to send me your email ( so I can add you to my blog. :o)

The Baja Hatches said...

So it has already snowed. We are experiencing our 3rd tropical storm. Man I miss Arizona. I was so excited to see that you started a blog. Yours is much more interesting then mine. It sure is beautiful and green up there at the North Pole. The boys are getting so big and handsome. How goes up that way? Drop me a line when you get a chance.