Friday, September 30, 2011

~Goodbye Tonsils

After having strep 5 times this year, we decided it was time to say goodbye to Noah's tonsils.

7:00 a.m. September 29, 2011

Surgery Center - Fairbanks, Alaska

Before surgery

After surgery

It was heartbreaking when they wheeled Noah out of the prep room and I couldn't go with him. He had tears in his eyes but was trying so hard to be brave. The surgery was very quick and he did just fine until he was waking up. From what the nurses told me, he got a little crazy and ripped the IV out of his hand. This happened before they could give him his next dose of pain medication. Understandably, he was not happy. They finally convinced him to swallow some other meds. When I got to him he was still upset, but calmed right down when he saw me. On the way home he threw-up, but since then has been doing okay.


Whitney Lee Slade said...

that makes me so sad to see! ahh the poor kid, except he looks sooo big and huge.

Unknown said...

How sad! I hope he's feeling back to 100% very soon.

Ranee said...

Jace just had his sub-mucosal cleft repaired a week ago. We are still going through recovery with him. I totally understand what you mean about putting on a brave face! I sat next to his bed after he came out of surgery, and just bawled. He was in SO much pain and his heart rate was all over the place and at one point he stopped breathing. (We were also recently told his heart enlarged and that he'll likely need a heart transplant at some point. Yeah...shocking!) I am glad Noah is okay! What a trooper these kiddo's are! Lynzie had her tonsils and adenoids removed a couple years ago, and that was really hard for her too! :)

Ranee said...

okay...his heart IS enlarged.