Thursday, May 6, 2010

Rock, Paper, Scissors

well not really rock, paper, scissors...
but there was a rock.
the culprit had to clean up the mess....


Whitney Lee Slade said...

oh my word. this is nuts! what happened. did noah feel bad?

Michelle Connolly said...

The boys were playing outside and Noah threw a rock. (I had already told him once yesterday not to throw rocks in the drive-way). Anyway, the rock hit Simon. Quite a big rock, I might add. Noah acted like it was no big deal when I told him he had to clean up the blood. I thought he would be more upset.

Emily said...

Yikes! That looks painful. Was there much of a goose egg?!

allisonj_2004 said...

ouch, boys! help us all

Me and my boys said...

OUCHIE, so sorry Simon!!! They keep us always on our toes!!!

Katherine Earl said...

Is this what I have to look forward to?

Mindful Mothering said...

Don't you just love boys?! They are getting so big!